World Clinics in Ophthalmology Recent Trends in Cataract Management
Arnaldo Espaillat Jr Amar Agarwal Richard Lindstrom
138 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
Cataracts are a very common condition and over time can lead to blindness if untreated. Cataracts are the most common cause of blindness worldwide.
Part of the World Clinics in Ophthalmology series, these two volumes provide an up to date review of cataract management. Beginning with an introduction to preoperative selection for cataract surgery, the following chapters discuss different techniques and their advantages and disadvantages.
Volume two includes chapters on cataract surgery in complex situations, combined cataract and glaucoma surgery and new concepts of femtosecond laser.
With contributions from specialists in the USA, Spain and South Asia, these two volumes include more than 270 full colour images and illustrations. Each chapter ends with a summary by the Editor-in-Chief.
Key points
- Comprehensive, two volumes presenting complete review of cataract management
- Examines advantages and disadvantages of numerous techniques
- Internationally recognised author and editor team
Author Bio
Arnaldo Espaillat Jr MD
Medical Director, Instituto Espaillat Cabral Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Amar Agarwal MS FRCS FRC Ophth
Eye Research Centre & Dr Agarwal’s Group of Eye Hospitals, India
Richard Lindstrom MD
Founder & Attending Surgeon, Minnesota Eye Consultants, PA; Adjunct Professor Emeritus, Dept Ophthalmology, University of Minnesota, USA