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Manual on Tuberculosis, HIV and Lung Diseases

A Practical Approach

VK Arora

816 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
- A thoroughly updated resource book covering the full
range of pulmonary disorders and presenting a
multimodality approach to diagnosis and clinical
management with evidence based medicine to provide
practical guidance to pulmonary physicians, respiratory
therapists and nurses
- Deals and explains latest aspects of COPD, bronchial
asthma and constricts to manage these with special
reference to smoking cessation that causes lung cancer
- Provides guidelines about tuberculosis control
programme of GOI and National AIDS Control
Organization, contributions of International experts and
strategic guidelines elucidating minutely the latest
references on new drugs, TB vaccinations and
advances made with stem cell therapy
- Explores new areas of research, planning for prevention,
control and treatment of TB, HIV and lung diseases.