Retinal Imaging
Pradeep Venkatesh Satpal Garg Raj Vardhan Azad
360 pages
Jaypee Bros Medical Pub Pvt Ltd
The human retina is probably the most versatile and complextissue. Disorders involving its many layers and those of tissues adjacent to it
result in varying degrees of visual impairment. Diagnosing the pathologies
was based on one's experience but with the advent of new technology
remarkable progress has been made by ophthalmologists to help mankind
improve their quality of life. Retinal imaging endeavours to familiarize the
readers with various modalities of imaging to diagnose and treat retinal
diseases. It discusses numerous techniques and procedures like ultrasound,
biomicroscopy, fluorescein angiography and indocyanine green angiography.
The book is replete with digital images and illustrations to understand each
and every topic on retinology. A wealth of full colour photographs provide
vivid visual diagnostic guidance