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The Saint and the Pig

A Dream and How St. Antonius Is Involved

Regina Abt-Baechi

196 pages
Daimon Verlag
Saint Anthony and the pig— at first glance and odd pairing of opposites! Antonius, also known as Antonius "the Great", has acquired legendary status as a personality seeking to reconcile the psychic opposites that were polarized as a result of the Christian viewpoint. In her work, which owes its origins to a dream, the author explores the symbolic importance of this figure and his attributes. On the basis of the psychology of C.G. Jung and M.-L. von Franz, she examines and interprets the legends and iconography of the saint with the pig. There are reference to this day and age and the spiritual reality of modern man, which give the work an unexpectedly contemporary relevance. This book is an extended revision of the original version.
Author Bio
Regina Abt (1945), born in Zürich, Switzerland, has a masters degree in European Ethnology, History of Religion and Folk Literature and is a Jungian analyst, a graduate of the C.G. Jung Institut in Küsnacht. She has been in private practice since 1985 and lectures at the Research and Training Center for Depth Psychology according to C.G. Jung and M.-L. von Franz, at the C.G. Jung Institute in Küsnacht. She is Co-author of Dream Child (2000), author of Animals and Animal Dreams (2011) and various other publications in German and English.