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Corpus Alchemicum Arabicum

Vol 1: Book of the Explanation of the Symbols Kitab Hall Ar-Rumuz

Muhammad Umail

Daimon Verlag
This is the last manuscript of Dr Marie-Louise von Franz, dictated during the final years of her life. If not only contains a brilliant historical survey of alchemy since Egyptian times, but above all, a profound comment on a newly translated Arabic alchemical text from the 10th Century which is a 'Summa' of her entire life's experience and work.
Author Bio
Marie-Louise von Franz worked with C.G.Jung from 1934 until his death in 1961. She was a scholar of Medieval Latin and classical Greek, and her field of collaboration with Jung was the study of alchemy. To two of his major works, Aion and Mysterium Coniunctionis, she contributed related studies, one of these being a text edition of the Aurora Consurgens, published separately in the Bollingen Series. Her research was mainly into alchemy, fairy tales and dream interpretation.