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Picturing God

Ann Ulanov

Daimon Verlag
Picturing God demonstrates the importance of confronting our unconscious selves and allowing our images of God “ both positive and negative “ to surface. Such inner exploration reveals not only relevant insights about ourselves, but also pulls us beyond our private pictures of God toward a truer view of the living God. Picturing God shows us how to explore our unconscious selves and how this spiritual exercise can change the whole of our lives: how we respond to God, how we relate to others, and how we view ourselves.
Author Bio
Ann Belford Ulanov is Christiane Brooks Johnson Professor of Psychiatry and Religion at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. A Jungian analyst in private practice, she is also the author of numerous books, including The Wizards' Gate, Cinderella and her Sisters, The Wisdom of the Psyche, Picturing God, and The Feminine in Jungian Psychology and Christian Theology.