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A 31-Day Journey to Personal Revival

Jamie Morgan

144 pages
Prayershop Publishing

Are you courageous enough to admit you need personal spiritual revival? Most Christians are, but don't know where to begin. Thirsty: A 31-Day Journey to Personal Revival is the fire starter you need to become a living, breathing, walking revival--setting everything you touch ablaze for God.

Thirsty is an interactive prayer devotional that focuses on thirty-one vital aspects of your Christian walk. Each day you will embrace the fire of revival for one specific area of your relationship with Jesus and invite Him to bring it back to life. As you draw near to God everyday, during the 31-day journey, the All Consuming Fire will draw near to you, setting your heart on fire for Him. There is no time to waste! The time is now!

Author Bio
Dr. Jamie Morgan is called to evangelize the nations, call the Church back to the place of prayer, fan the flame of revival, and mentor trailblazer leaders to do the same. She is a pastor, prayer warrior, writer, and revivalist. She is a member of America's National Prayer Committee and hosts, Fire Starter, a weekly podcast on revival. Jamie holds an M.A. in Practical Theology and a Doctor of Ministry. Her website is JamieMorgan.com.