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Stray from the Fold

288 pages

Stray from the Fold is the fourteenth book in the Mysteries of Cobble Hill Farm fiction series.

Harriet Bailey can't wait to marry Pastor Will Knight in just one month. But planning a wedding on top of tending her veterinary practice keeps her hopping—so much so that her Aunt Jinny prescribes a new hobby to lower stress: knitting.

Yet another challenge confronts her when local farmer Alfred Ramshaw brings a sick goat to her veterinary clinic. Is there any truth to Alfred's claim that his neighbor and rival, Arlene Pendergraf, is responsible for the mysterious ailment? Harriet can't believe the sweet older woman would harm someone's livestock, but she's struggling to find any other solution.

The mystery takes an even more interesting turn when Harriet finds clues that lead her to investigate a famous pilot who disappeared in 1910 on his flight to Dover. Could the secrets of the past give Harriet the answers she needs before more goats get sick—or worse?

Author Bio

Cynthia Ruchti has been telling stories hemmed in hope most of her life, starting with a scripted radio broadcast heard on forty-eight stations across the country. Shortly before that broadcast retired, her first novel was published in 2010. She's been publishing fiction and nonfiction ever since, delighting in the joy of rearranging words on a page to engage readers' hearts and minds and offer hope in every circumstance. In addition to the more than forty-five books she's authored, coauthored, or contributed to, her bookshelves now also hold books of the authors for whom she serves as a literary agent. Her tagline is “I can't unravel. I'm hemmed in Hope.”