A Flame of Hope: Abital’s Story
304 pages
A Flame of Hope: Abital's Story - is book six in the Mysteries & Wonders of the Bible fiction series.
Abital spends her days preparing rich fabrics and making fine gowns for Jezebel, the queen of Israel. However, she cannot ignore how the king and queen have broken Israel's covenant with Yahweh and introduced the worship of Baal, Asherah, and other false idols. Even when a prophet named Elijah confronts the king and tells him Israel will be punished by a devastating drought for his wickedness, Ahab refuses to change his ways.
As the weeks go by and no rain falls, Abital watches as Queen Jezebel's offerings to Baal become more and more desperate. When the queen issues a horrific decree, Abital can no longer stand by. She teams up with Obadiah, a palace official who is loyal to Yahweh, to save as many lives as possible from the queen's rage.
Can Abital and Obadiah continue their good work for the One True God? Or will they be next to face the queen's wrath?
Enthralling Historical Fiction Stories Bring Miraculous Bible Accounts to Life As Never Before!
Mysteries, wonders, and secrets. The Bible is filled with glimpses of the divine and unknowable. Within its pages are tantalizing clues and fascinating hints about events, objects, places, and people whose stories have never been explored…until now. Each book in this series brings to life in vivid and Scripture-based detail an ancient witness to one of God’s most intriguing mysteries. Through their challenges, tests, and tribulations, you’ll experience the power of faith that transcends time and wraps them—and you—in God’s perfect love.
Author Bio
Beth Adams lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband and two daughters. When she's not writing, she's trying to find time to read good books.