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32 pages
Bookpress Publishing
In this true story, Sunshine, a feral cat living alone in the world, is taken in by a loving family who discovers she is pregnant. After her five kittens are born, Sunshine is set loose and resumes her life in the wild; however, she soon realizes she misses life indoors… but will she be welcomed back?
Author Bio
Katie Spoon was born in Des Moines, Iowa, and is the granddaughter of Phyllis Cadwallader, the author of Sunshine. She earned her BA from Hamline University in Saint Paul, MN in History and Religion, and her MA from Drake University in Des Moines, IA, in Public Administration. She learned her love of animals from her grandmother.Phyllis Cadwallader (née Parks) was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She spent thirty years as a middle school English teacher in Iowa, after which she retired and spent the rest of her life traveling and dancing with her husband, Verlin. She enjoys gardening, and earned a first-degree black belt in Karate alongside her daughter, Lisa, and grandchildren, Tyler and Katie. She died in 2018.