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His Names Are Wonderful

Getting to Know God Through His Hebrew Names

160 pages
Messianic Jewish Pub & Res Llc
What`s in a name? In the Western world, names are often chosen because they`re cute or because parents hope their children might aspire to be like a namesake, perhaps even a Bible figure. Yet, names in the Bible were often chosen to communicate something about a person . . . especially God`s names. In Exodus 3:13-­22, Moses asks God what his "name" is. Was he merely asking what he should call God? No--he was asking, "Who are you? Describe yourself." And God did just that, offering Moses a wonderful description, not just of his name, but of his nature. In Hebrew thought, a name did more than identify a person; it revealed their identity. God`s identity is expressed not in one name, but in many.This book uncovers the treasures in God`s names, grouping 140 names into eight sections Almighty - Father - Redeemer - Shepherd - Spirit - Truth - Defender – Faithful. Each artfully designed page includes: the English name, the Hebrew name, an English transliteration, inspiring devotional thoughts, relevant Scripture passages from the Complete Jewish Bible. Includes an introduction by Daniel Juster, Th.D., executive director of Tikkun International.
Author Bio
Elizabeth Vander Meulen and Barbara Malda both attend a Messianic Jewish congregation in Michigan. They study Hebrew and are both married, with grown daughters.