Leaving Kent State
332 pages
Harvard Square Editions
A new young adult novel Leaving Kent State (Harvard Square Editions) by debut author Sabrina Fedel brings to life America's political and social turmoil as it ushered in the new decade of the 1970s. Throughout the harsh winter of 1969-1970 Kent Ohio became a microcosm of the growing unrest that threatened the very nature of democracy. On May 4 1970 the campus of Kent State University became the final turning point in Americans' tolerance for the Vietnam War as National Guardsmen opened fire on unarmed student protestors killing four and wounding nine. It was one of the first true school shootings in our nation's history.Told from the viewpoint of seventeen-year-old Rachel Morelli Leaving Kent State explores themes of the day that are strikingly similar to our own: terrorism war racial injustice and gender inequality. As Rachel struggles to convince her dad that she should go to Pratt University in New York to pursue her dream of becoming an artist Kent slips ever further off of its axis in step with the growing discord across the nation. Caught between her love for her next door neighbor Evan a boy who has just returned from Vietnam and her desire to escape Kent Rachel must navigate a changing world to pursue her dreams.
"While our nation has largely forgotten what happened on May 4 1970," says the author, "it was a defining moment for the way in which Americans consider involvement in war. While popular sentiment initially blamed the students for the massacre it became clear in the years immediately following that something had gone terribly wrong in our democracy for American troops to have opened fire on unarmed college students. In our own protest laden present the shootings at Kent State remain a valuable lesson in the escalation of force during peaceful citizen protests."