Ready to Win
Nez Sherie
176 pages
Spirit Reign Communication
If you want to learn how to transform your life during times of hardship and pain, this is the book for you. Nez Sherie gives you techniques and real life experiences that help you work through road blocks and get on the path to success.
You'll Find several tips and ideas on mediation, relationships, overcoming adversity and forgiveness. You'll learn how to accelerate your journey to a better life and making your dreams come true.
She gives you workable methods not empty promises by teaching you five sustainable principles of leadership and success:
1. Staying Focused
2. Having a Vision
3. Setting Goals
4. Dedication
5. Never Quitting
Those who read this book will benefit and prosper, as have hundreds from her uplifting, motivating and stimulating training sessions.
Visit Nez Online: www.motivationbootcamp.com