Average is Failure
I Learned the Hard Way
Vaughn Edmeade
110 pages
Spirit Reign Communication
Average Is Failure, is a book filled with above average advice for people of all ages. In it, author Vaughn Coach Edmeade takes us through the intimate details of his life. He bares his soul and shares many life-lessons and experiences. The books vulnerability will help readers identify everyday principles within the context of daily circumstances.
You will read about the consequences of mediocrity, complacency, and an average mindset. Vaughn addresses questions about finding a career, passion and purpose. The principles are truly transcendent and are easily applied to other areas of ones life, such as academics, sports, and relationships. This book is necessary for anyone seeking to get out of their comfort zone and experience greater possibilities that an above-average life will offer.
Author Bio
Vaughn Coach Edmeade has firsthand experience with lifes difficulties. Similar to the difficult and emotionally draining circumstances that many people find themselves in, he, himself, has experienced job loss, debt, being kicked out of school, and much worsedivorce. In spite of it all, hes been able to walk with faith and hope in a brighter future and seeks to show as many people as possible how they can elevate their lives and the lives of others by making the decision to develop their character and to no longer settle for being average in any aspect of life.
Vaughn has spread his message to tens of thousands of youth and young adults. He has dedicated his life to helping others accept the challenge of strengthening their character. His hope is that one day those in urban and inner-city communities, especially, will be able to realize brighter possibilities for themselves and those around them.