Ordained Pastor
Wife of One Husband?: Biblical Perspectives on Ordination Revisited
Sydney Gibbons
130 pages
Spirit Reign Communication
The topic of "Women in Ministry" has received increased attention within the Seventh-day Adventist Church from the perspective of whether women should be ordained as pastors. The church has debated the topic of women’s ordination at its highest level of church organization and authority, the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist in sessions that meet every five years. This book is designed to guide biblical reflection on a critical church debate that has far reaching implications for women, in particular and members, in general, who embrace beliefs and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (see the official website of the GC, www.adventist.orgon church beliefs, organization, structure, practices, etc.). This study is limited from varied perspectives. It is introductory in nature and is based on selected New Testament reflections. It does not attempt to survey research on ordination and women in ministry, although it cites relevant works, or justifies its conclusions by citing authorities secondary to the Bible, although selected citations are made. Systematic theologians and other scholars would provide more in-depth analysis and extensive coverage of related issues to ordination then would be addressed in this work. Yet, even in the absence of exegeses of relevant texts, this study is designed to lead thinking “toward a theology of ordination that significantly impacts issues related to women in ministry for the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” It will introduce discussion on the following sub-topics:1. The place of ordination in the prioritization of New Testament theologies2. The place of women in ministry within the prioritization of being a Disciple of Christ3. Women in ministry within the Seventh-day Adventist Church4. Revisiting the biblical principle of headship5. Review of selected perspectives on headship in the writings of Ellen G. White6. The A.M.O.U.R. perspective on headship in Scripture7. Ordination Gender and the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Author Bio
Sydney Gibbons is a pastor, educator, author, administrator, husband and father of three adult children. His 35 years of professional service has permitted him to reside in Bermuda, Cameroon, Tago, Jamaica and United States of America. He hold three academic degress in theology, including the Doctor of Ministry degree and courses toward the Ph.D degree in New Testament Studies. His doctor od ministry projec (1992) was the desing and implementation of a course to train lay persons the art of evangelistic preaching. Since Dr. Gibbons and his family embrace the world view of serving humanity and reaching all nations for Christ, they became foreign missionaires. They were employed by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventisits as missionaires in Cameroon and Jamaica. He held positions as Churhc Ministries Director for the Central African Union Mission, President of the West Cameroon Mission, and Associate Professor at the Northern Caribbean University of Jamaica. In Bermuda he served as pastor of several churches and directed various ministries for the Bermuda Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Dr. Gibbons is the Executive Secretary of the Bermuda Conference, past of the Southampton Church and director of Human Relations and intercultural Ministries for the Conference. In addition to church leadership he was a consultant to the National Training Borad of the Government of Bermuda (2005-2006), and the Executive Officer for the Government of Bermuda in the Department of Human Affairs, (2007-2010) where he directed the former "Commission for Unity and Racial Equality" as its chief technical advisor. Dr. Gibbons has a passion for evangelism and education. He has conducted evangelistic meetings in Bermuda, Bahamas, Jamaica, The United States of America, Canada, and Africa. He is preparing two books on evan-gellism for publishing in 2013. The first discusses the Art of Evangelistic Preaching and the second is a syllabus for the School of Evangelism. His mission is: "Learning! Growing! Ministering for Christ!" His vision is: "Happy people! Working together! Living in peace!" Dr. Gibbons believes the Jesus is coming soon and dedicates his life to preparing people for that event.