Silver Bunny and the Secret of Fort Chop
Eileen Wacker
Once Kids Llc
In Silver Bunny and the Secret of Fort Chop, Silver Bunny could be a black belt, if only she would practice! And Rainbow Panda could be good at medicine, if only he would read a book! But the animals decide surfing, building a secret fort, and uploading their video to Fujitube would be much more fun. Will they become movie stars? Or end up in big trouble?
Author Bio
Eileen Wacker's journey to become a children's book author took a circuitous route. She has a deep passion for storytelling and a genuine curiosity in cultures of the world. She moved with her husband Rich and their four children to Seoul, South Korea, and lived there for four years. The family traveled extensively across Asia. One of her children is Chinese, and after researching the market, she discovered a shortage of quality children's books drawing upon pan-Asian themes. She decided to develop a book series with Asian characters for the mainstream children's book. Eileen has a Harvard MBA and approaches her brand with a twenty-first-century vision. The reading trends are shifting with more and more content going toward a surging electronics market. Eileen's strategy from inception is to make her stories viable in the current environment of ebooks (ibooks), with an eye toward animation. Her books are available as ibooks and she developed a game app, featuring the Fujimini Adventure series characters.