At the Feet of Rabbi Gamaliel
Rabbinic Influence in Paul's Teachings
David Friedman
100 pages
Messianic Jewish Pub & Res Llc
Paul was on the “fast track” to becoming a sage and Sanhedrin judge, being passionate for the Torah and the traditions of the fathers. Did his teachings reflect Rabbi Gamaliel’s instructions? Find out if Paul continued to value the Torah and Pharisaic tradition, and if he created a ‘New’ Theology.
Author Bio
Dr. David Friedman is the former Academic Dean and Professor of Jewish Studies at King of Kings College in Jerusalem, Israel. Currently, Friedman lectures internationally on biblical topics, as well as on the history of the modern State of Israel. A former member of the Israel Defense Forces, he also works actively in the area of Jewish-Arab reconciliation as a speaker and mentor and is an advocate for a secure State of Israel.