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The Giving Church

A 21-Day Journey Toward Generosity

David Butts

48 pages
Prayershop Publishing
The Giving Church is a 21-day devotional journey to become a generous, kingdom giver. Learn what the Scriptures say about giving for the Kingdom and pray those principles into your life. The GIving Church will both encourage and challenge users to consider whether or not they should change their giving habits. Each day's prayer point and sample prayer are designed for God to speak to the user and to shape and mold his or her heart toward being a Kingdom giver.
Author Bio
Dr, David Butts is the co-founder, along with his wife, Kim, of Harvest Prayer Ministries, a ministry that assists churches in becoming houses of prayer. Dave is also the chairman of America's National Prayer Committee, a role which causes him to bring together national prayer ministries to focus on key prayer issues in the United States. Dave has written 14 books.