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Praying God's Heart

Prayers That Make a Difference

Alvin VanderGriend

192 pages
Prayershop Publishing
Praying God's Heart will inspire and train you to become a more effective intercessor, praying God's purposes rather than your own. Praying God's Heart is for anyone who wants to be more effective in intercession--praying for others and for God's kingdom to advance. Its 30 short chapters offer a thorough yet concise treatment of important issues related to intercessory prayer.
Author Bio
Dr. Alvin VanderGriend is the Prayer Evangelism Associate for Harvest Prayer Ministries in Terre Haute, IN. Alvin has contributed in major ways to the national prayer movement as a writer, speaker and seminar leader. He is author of the best-selling: Love to Pray, A 40-Day Devotional for Deepening Your Prayer Life, and has written several other books on prayer and church renewal. Dr. VanderGriend is also the co-founder of the Denominational Prayer Leaders' Network and is a member of America's National Prayer Committee.