The Prayer Factor
Adventures with a God Who Hears and Answers
Sammy Tippit
176 pages
Prayershop Publishing
One factor can revolutionize your life, our churches and our society: the prayer factor. The Prayer Factor includes 12 chapters of stories and instruction with study questions that show readers how to move from hindrances and failure to possibilities and victory in prayer. Learn the great truths about prayer, and make your life a testimony to a God who hears and answers prayer.
Author Bio
Sammy Tippit is an international evangelist who has preached to crowds of 50,000 to 100,000 in more than 80 nations of the world. He was one of the first evangelists to hold crusades in communist block countries of Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Albania, and Moldova. His ministry has seen hundreds of thousands come into the kingdom of God-and prayer is the key to it all. Sammy leads Sammy Tippit Ministries.