Prayer and the End of Days
Praying God's Purposes in Troubled Times
David Butts
112 pages
Prayershop Publishing
Subtitled: Praying God's Purposes in Troubled Times, Prayer and the End of Days will challenge and encourage you to pray with insight and discernment amid the difficult days in which we find ourselves. Written by an international prayer leader with a deep interest in history and biblical prophecy, this book provides practical and challenging thoughts to help believers pray God's purposes rather than fear them.
Author Bio
Dr, David Butts is the co-founder, along with his wife, Kim, of Harvest Prayer Ministries, a ministry that assists churches in becoming houses of prayer. Dave is also the chairman of America's National Prayer Committee, a role which causes him to bring together national prayer ministries to focus on key prayer issues in the United States. Dave has written 14 books.