Kabbalah Vol 17
Journal of Jewish Mystical Texts
Daniel Abrams
Cherub Press
Studies in English
Moshe Idel: A Unique Manuscript of an Untitled Treatise of Abraham Abulafia in Biblioteca Laurentiana Medicea
Daniel Abrams: Hypostatic Wisdom and Imitatio Dei – Kabbalistic Traditions of Attaining Wisdom
Alan Brill: Maharal as an Early Modern Thinker
Morris M. Faierstein: Kotsk – Izbica Dispute: Theological or Personal?
Book Reviews in English
Shaul Magid: Mor Altshuler, The Messianic Secret of Hasidism, Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2006
Zvi Mark: Jonathan Garb, The Chosen Will Become Herds: Studies in Twentieth Century Kabbalah, Jerusalem: Carmel, 2005 [Hebrew]
Studies in Hebrew
Yehuda Liebes: The Prophecy of the Sabbatean, R. Heshel Zoref of Vilna in the Writings of R. Menahem Mendel of Shklov, the Student of R. Elijah, the Gaon of Vilna and the Founder of the Ashkenazi Yishuv in Jerusalem
Tzahi Weiss: Three Traditions of the Creation of the World from Letters
Shalem Yahalom: Kabbalah (as Received Tradition) and Innovation in the Writings of Nahmanides and Related Scholarship: The Cases of the Joints of the Sinews and the ‘Killer Wife’
Ron Wacks: The Technique of Guided Imagination in the Thought of R. Kalonymos Kalman Shapira of Piaseczno
Zeev Gries: Apostates and Maskilim as Censors in the Nineteenth Century
Asael Abelman: Collectanea of Esoterica – A Fantasy Narrative by Hillel Zeitlin on the Future and the Redemption of the Jews
Alon Dahan: The Last Redeemer without a Successor: Did R. Menahem Mendel Schneerson Choose Not to Appoint an Heir for Messianic Reasons
Amit Kula: Rabbi Hayyim Benvenisti’s Sabbateanism – A New Inquiry
Book Reviews in Hebrew
Efraim Meir: Abraham Heschel’s The Sabbath and its Hebrew Translation
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