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Dont Call Me Katie Rose

302 pages
Image Cascade Publishing
Katie Rose Belford is in her first year at Adams High. She is intent on being called Kathleen and takes on a sophisticated image in order to impress Bruce Seerie, a star athlete of Adams High. "Kathleen's" emotions and finances become quite strained as she lives beyond her means. Does the pressure become too stressful?
Author Bio
Lenora Mattingly Weber was born in Dawn, Missouri, later homesteaded to Colorado. Her well-loved stories for girls reflect her experiences with her own family. Lenora Mattingly Weber wrote books and short stories for over 40 years. She is best known for her Beany Malone series and Katie Rose/Stacy Belford books. Beyond these series, Mrs. Weber wrote ten non-series books which are also captivating to readers of all ages. As the mother of six children and as a grandmother, she was well qualified to write of family life. Mrs. Weber enjoyed horseback riding, swimming, cooking, but her first love was writing.