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Daily Joy in Philippians

Notes on Philippians Divided into 31 Days

72 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
Experience daily joy through the book of Philippians with this inspiring collection of meditations by Ian Steele. Delve into the believer’s joy as highlighted by the Apostle Paul, with reflective comments and hymn verses to accompany each daily reading. Perfect for a 31-day journey through Philippians, this book offers valuable insights presented in note style and practical lessons to uplift and inspire. Discover the joy that permeates every page of this beautiful work.
Author Bio
Ian Steele lives in the Scottish coastal town of Prestwick along with his wife and has four daughters. He was the General Manager of Volvo IT GB Ltd. He is a well-known Bible Teacher in Scotland and has written a number of evangelical resources published by John Ritchie.