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God in Control But Concealed

96 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
ESTHER - God in Control, But Concealed abounds with practical instruction for all who believe in the value of the Old Testament. The writer deals with the historical perspective of the narrative, then with its practical aspect for Christians today - this is its main objective - and, finally, in its dispensa­tional setting as it prefigures events yet future. Although the Book of Esther is the most secular of Scripture books - since it mentions neither prayer, thanksgiving, sacri­fice nor even the name of God - Mr McShane draws many use­ful spiritual lessons for the present day. Incisive, informative and instructive, logical in thought and lucid in style, the author has succeeded in drawing much worthwhile teaching from the life and times of Esther, one of the unsung heroines of faith.
Author Bio
Albert McShane was born in Kilmore near Lurgan, Northern Ireland in 1914 and was saved early in life. Giving himself to the work of the Lord in 1944, he was a faithful and solemn gospel preacher who carried a burden for souls and saw many saved. He was also a most able expositor, having immense and practical knowledge of the Scriptures. His ministry of the Word of God was much appreciated throughout the United Kingdom as well as further afield. For over 50 years he conducted Bible Readings to great profit in Lurgan. Many have benefited also by his helpful writings in books and magazines. The Lord called him home in May 2002.