All The Way To Calvary
Meditations on the Cross
104 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
Calvary. The word is found only once in Scripture. Most of us
have never toured the actual site and since there is debate about the
site's location, those who think they have visited Calvary may never
have been there at all. But for all those who have trusted Christ as
Saviour, we have indeed been to Calvary. In our meditations, Calvary
is undoubtedly the most frequented place on earth. Hardly a day
passes without thinking about our Lord and the steps that took Him
there. It was the greatest journey ever traversed, unrivalled in distance,
personal suffering, and eternal significance. Indeed, our lives will
never be the same because of the Man who left His throne in Heaven
for a cross on earth.
This book traces the Saviour's pathway, from the predictions He made
of His passion to the yielding up of His life while hanging on the tree.
Attention is focused on our Lord's final hours and final words, with
an attempt made to harmonise as much material from the Gospels as
possible, setting events in chronological fashion.
Any book written about Christ's cross will have its limitations, and
this brief work is certainly no exception. But it is the author's prayer
that these twenty short chapters will prompt us to deeper worship and
greater devotion to the One who went all the way to Calvary for us.
Author Bio
David Petterson became a christian as a young boy in 1981 through the words of John 3:16. In 2001 he was commended to the full-time work of the Lord from the Hickory, North Carolina assembly. His work has mainly been based in the United States and Canada, preaching the gospel and teaching God’s Word. David and his wife, Alison, have five children and are in fellowship in the assembly which meets in Denver, North Carolina. He has contributed to the North American magazine Truth and Tidings.