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Gather Up the Fragments

72 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
One Month Devotional. Gather Up the Fragments contains thirty-one daily devotionals and encouragements from the Word of God. Commencing each day with a bible verse or passage of scripture from the Bible on topics such as; The Songs of Scripture, His Cross and Essentials for Outreach. It was originally a collection of short thoughts used to encourage friends throughout the coronavirus pandemic and has been revised to provide this beautiful devotional, and a quick and easy read each day.
Author Bio
Paul Cartwrightwas brought up in North Yorkshire, England. Born into a Christian home, he was saved at the age of eighteen, baptised and received into the fellowship of a local assembly. He has been actively involved in the children’s work for many years and is regularly involved in Gospel outreach in the locality and surrounding areas of Northamptonshire.