Ritchie Character Study Series
Tom Wilson
224 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
This is the fifth book in the Ritchie Character Study Series. Tom Wilson has
provided this very helpful study on the life of Moses, one of the greatest leaders
in the Bible, renowned lawgiver, prophet and deliverer of his people.
There are few men and women in the record of Scripture whose
lives we are able to follow in great detail from cradle to grave. However,
for one of these, Moses, we know the unusual circumstances even of
the early months of his long life. We know nothing about David's early
years or of Isaiah's childhood, but we do know of Moses' birth, followed
three months later by his remarkable deliverance from the flags of
Egypt's River Nile. Then, at the end of a long life, he was carefully
buried, a task that God did not entrust to any man or woman. The first
five books of our Bible are from his pen, four of which trace the varied
experiences and the wide-ranging abilities of Moses himself.
Modern researchers have questioned why there are no references
in Egypt to Moses and the Exodus, particularly when ten devastating
plagues struck that nation. However, no Pharaoh would willingly
advertise a series of disasters commonly ascribed to an enslaved
underclass and their God, a God that Egypt did not recognize.
However, Moses features largely in both Old and New Testaments.
Surgenor notes that in the Bible: