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Journey To Jerusalem

Jeremy Gibson Graeme Hutchinson

88 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
Looking beyond His approaching suffering, to glory, Christ ‘steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem’ (Lk 9.51). Approximately six months later, in fulfilment of Zechariah’s prophecy, He rode triumphantly into Jerusalem upon an ass, declaring Himself to be Israel’s Messiah. This book seeks to capture, in roughly chronological order, what took place within that six month period. During this stage of the Lord’s public ministry large crowds followed Him, many professed to believe on Him and there was a growing expectation that the Kingdom of God was about to be established on earth. At the same time He faced increasingly dangerous opposition. Despite this, the Saviour persisted on His course, retaining a joyful disposition and a vibrant personal prayer life. He taught His disciples how to pray, spoke candidly to friend and foe about His approaching sufferings, warned of eternal punishment, exposed the danger of riches, explained that true greatness is self-sacrificial service for others and assured His disciples that no sacrifice they made for Him would go unrewarded. Every word which He spoke and every step He took in His journey to Jerusalem glorified God and displayed His moral excellence.
Author Bio
Jeremy Gibson Jeremy was converted while studying medicine at the University of Glasgow.  He has specialised in Rehabilitation Medicine and presently works in General Practice (Family medicine) with an interest in Safeguarding Children.  He is in fellowship with believers in Derby (UK), where he regularly teaches the Bible.