Harry The Spy
Eunice Wilkie
70 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
“Harry was a spy. Not a boy who only thought he was; not just pretending to be with all the gadgets he had received as gifts: but Harry really was a spy.”
When Harry discovers a plot to overthrow his country, nobody but his elderly neighbour and friend, Mrs Joyce, believes him. Harry is convinced that Mrs Joyce used to be a top-secret spy. The two of them set out to investigate and stop the evil plotters before the takeover of the country succeeds. An incredible adventure is about to begin!
Discover the wonderful message of the Bible through the secret codes in this adventure.
Suitable for children aged 7 and upwards
Author Bio
Eunice Wilkie lives in the Highlands of Scotland with her husband Michael and has a passion for writing children's books. She originally intended to write for her nieces and nephews and has now had a number of books published by John Ritchie: the Aletheia Adventure Series and other children's books, such as the Bible Story Adventure Series. These books focus on presenting the message of the Bible in an appealing, comprehensible way. Her current published works in the Aletheia Adventure Series include: The Rescue of Timmy Trial (Book 1), The Purple Storm (Book 2), The Broken Journey (Book 3), The Mustardseeds (Book 4), The Defenders of Aletheia (Book 5), and The Rumour Mill (Book 6).