Elijah & Job
David Petterson
A.J Higgins
268 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
The study of bible characters is one of the most accessible and appetizing ways of communicating spiritual truth: instead of heavy doctrine, it homes in on real men and women in daily life. This is the fourth book in this series but the first that includes two character studies in one volume. In the study of Elijah, Sandy Higgins investigates Elijah and John Peterson gives us an in depth study on the character of Job.
Elijah is one of the towering figures of the Old Testament. References to him in the New Testament serve to underline his distinction. No series on Bible Characters could possibly omit him. Sandy Higgins has a track record of helpful studies on individuals and books of the Bible. This is no exception.
Elijah challenges our faith and our often-shallow prayer life. Yet, as “a man subject to like passions as we are” (James 3:17), he appeals to our sense of our own weakness. We think back to the fearless man of Carmel and then see him as a man fleeing to the wilderness, running from Jezebel.
This book takes us through the experiences of this man of God. The Lord’s care for his servant is recorded for our encouragement. He lived in a culture and under a ruler with little sympathy for him or his God. Ahab and Jezebel formed a formidable partnership in evil and in hostility against all who refused to move in step with their idolatry. Far from being “conformed” to that world, Elijah confronted it with a power that came from God.
Our attention is also drawn to the fact that while there was a day when Elijah was sure he was the only one left to bear witness, he was wrong. It may have a kind of gloomy appeal to think that we alone are left, but the Lord has His own scattered here and there even if we are not aware of them. He will never be without witnesses, even if they be but a small remnant.
Author Bio
David was saved as a young boy in 1981 through the words of John 3:16. In 2001, he was commended to the full-time work of the Lord from the Hickory, NC assembly. His labors have been mainly in the US and Canada, preaching the gospel and teaching God’s word. David and his wife, Alison, have five children and reside in Lincolnton, NC in the US. He has contributed to the North American magazine Truth and Tidings.