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A Pilgrim's Guide to Sarria - Santiago

The last 7 stages of the Camino de Santiago Francés O Cebreiro - Sarria - Santiago

96 pages
Kaminn Media Limited
A quarter of all pilgrims arriving at Santiago start in Sarria: it provides the minimum distance required for a pilgrim to apply for a Compostela. This guidebook features all the information needed to complete the 7 stages from O Cebreiro to Santiago via Sarria, including maps and contour guides (stage by stage), town plans, alternate routes, accommodation, history, mythology and so much more... This guidebook also seeks to find a balance between the outer and inner journey, between the physical and spiritual, which is why it is subtitled A Practical & Mystical Manual - that we might find a place to eat and sleep at the end of a hard day's walk but also, and crucially, that we might find the courage to dive into the mystery of our own soul awakening.
Author Bio
John Brierley is a former charter surveyor who promotes business sabbaticals and pilgrimages as a way to reappraise life's purpose. He is the author of several collections of maps and guides to different Camino de Santiago routes.