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An Epistle with Heart - Colossians

William Freel

284 pages
John Ritchie Ltd

An Epistle with Heart: An Outline on the Epistle to the Colossians is presented as an expository and devotional commentary. It contains a careful exegesis of most important Greek words that give insight into the deep significance of Christian teaching. On a few occasions Greek grammar and syntax are mentioned, but these are clearly presented and can be understood by those who have no knowledge of Greek. Paul, the author of the Colossian Epistle, deals with the main heresy, Gnosticism. Key words used of this philosophy are explained. Other heresies such as Paganism, Judaism, Satanism, Mysticism, Asceticism, and Ceremonialism are exposed and corrected. In the text of the Epistle, ethical problems are found and explained. National, religious, cultural, and social prejudices are confronted and counteracted and valuable lessons are applied to encourage the reader to live for God each day

Author Bio
William Freel is a highly respected Bible teacher who desires that others be blessed through the study of the Word of God.