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Harry and the Muddy Pig

Ruth Chesney

24 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
The Harry series is suitable for pre-schoolers and early school-aged children and is about a young boy called Harry who lives on a farm. Each book is based on a Bible story or verse and contains a clear, yet simple gospel message. The accompanying illustrations of the whimsical countryside scenes are hand drawn by Mary Weatherup, who lives on a farm in rural Northern Ireland. In this book Harry who lives on a farm with his mother and father, his sister Susie and Toby the dog learns valuable lessons from his experiences with a muddy pig. Harry and his father give Gladys the pig a bath in preparation for a farming show. But when the show day arrives, Gladys is missing and it looks as if all their hard work has been wasted.
Author Bio
Ruth Chesney has written various books for children and young adults that directs the reader to the Bible with practical challenges applied.