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Pocket Tutor Renal Medicine

David Oliveira Debasish Banerjee Joyce Popoola Iain A.M. MacPhee Seema Shrivastava Daniel Jones Steve Nelson

224 pages
Jp Medical

Titles in the Pocket Tutor series give practical guidance on subjects that medical students and foundation doctors need help with “on the go”, at a highly affordable price that puts them within reach of those rotating through modular courses or working on attachment.  

  • Common investigations (ECG, imaging, etc)
  • Clinical skills (patient examination, etc.)
  • Clinical specialties that students perceive as too small to merit a textbook (psychiatry, renal medicine)

Key Points

  • Breaks down a subject that students find complex and daunting, using clear images and concise but informative text
  • Logical, sequential content: relevant basic science; then chapters devoted to common disorders that introduce the clinical essentials of renal practice
  • Descriptions of common disorders are enhanced by Clinical Scenarios (Patient presents with...), which help students and trainees to recognise and manage common presenting problems


Author Bio

David Oliveira PhD FRCP
Professor of Renal Medicine, St George's University of London

Debasish Banerjee MD FRCP FASN
Consultant Nephrologist, Clinical Subdean, St George's Healthcare NHS Trust, London

Daniel Jones PhD FRCP
Consultant Nephrologist, Hon Senior Lecturer, St George's Healthcare NHS Trust, London

Iain MacPhee DPhil FRCP
Hon Consultant Nephrologist, Reader in Renal Medicine, St George's University of London

Stephen Nelson MD FRCP
Consultant Nephrologist, St George's Healthcare NHS Trust, London

Joyce Popoola PhD MRCP
Consultant Nephrologist, St George's Healthcare NHS Trust, London

Seema Shrivastava PhD MRCP FHEA
Consultant Nephrologist, St George's Healthcare NHS Trust, London