Tabernacle in the Wilderness
John Ritchie
125 pages
John Ritchie Ltd
The amazing correspondance between the spiritual life of the believer today and the Tabernacle in the Wilderness of long ago is clearly shown in this short and easily read book. It is full of practical, simply stated truths which are deeply enriching. The features of that structure where God dwelt among His people are all carefully explained and applied in a thought provoking way - the materials used, the articles of furniture, their location and their uses in God's service. We are reminded how every detail mattered, as the Lord had instructed Moses, just as it does in our christian life and service, so that God will be glorified and His purposes on earth fulfilled in our day also.
Author Bio
John Ritchie the founder of John Ritchie Ltd wrote this book mainly to help new believers learn more about the spiritual truth found in the tabernacle.