Teaching from the Sunlight
Mao Shing NI Hua-Ching Ni
308 pages
Sevenstar Communications
This companion book to Live with the Universal Faith, by Hua-Ching Ni and Mao Shing Ni, addresses the symbolism in the ancient diagrams related to the earliest beliefs in the sun and its light. At the center is the timeless example of the nine houses for social leadership by the Great Yu, around 4,000 years ago, who was inspired by the Lo Su diagram. This contribution to harmonious humanity, later elucidated by Ji Zi around 1215 BCE, covers all aspects of human leadership from personal development, to family and community relationships, to national and international politics. Readers will soon discover that the counsel from the Great Yu, through Ji Zi, remains relevant, and indeed inspirational, to this day.Author Bio
Dr. Mao Shing Ni is a doctor of Chinese Medicine, a best-selling author and an authority in the management and prevention of pain and aging. He practices acupuncture, Chinese medicine and nutrition with his associates at the Tao of Wellness in Southern California, co-founded Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Los Angeles, and lectures internationally. Dr. Mao has been featured regularly on television.Hua Ching Ni is a spiritual master in the Taoist tradition of the Integral Way. He first studied with his family and then with teachers, recluses and hermits in the high mountains of China. In the 1970s he came to America where he taught, practiced Chinese Medicine, and wrote over one hundred books. He and his sons, Drs. Daoshing and Mao Shing Ni, founded Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Los Angeles in 1989.