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English Canals Explained

Stan Yorke

128 pages
Countryside Books
The English canal network becomes increasingly popular and widely used each year. The aim of this book is to explain how everything works—from locks and lifts, to tunnels and towpaths. Stan Yorke, a life-long narrowboat enthusiast, explains in an easy-to-understand manner the story of the canals. In this he is ably assisted by his son Trevor’s super drawings and diagrams. The book is divided into three clear sections. The first describes the history of the canals, the second looks at their structures and features, and the third suggests special sites of interest around the country, which can be visited on foot or by boat.
Author Bio
Stan Yorke has been cruising the waterways of England and Wales for the last forty years and ran his own company fitting out narrowboats. He retired to live on one of his own boats and spends much of the year with his wife, Margaret, travelling the length and breadth of the country by water. His other books include The Industrial Revolution Explained and Steam Railways Explained.