Charging for Irrigation Services
Frank van Steenbergen
Gez Cornish
Chris Perry
102 pages
IWA Publishing
Irrigation is the dominant consumer of fresh water world-wide, accounting for as much as 80% of use in many water-short countries. Two issues dominate the problems in water resources management generally, and especially the management of irrigation systems: scarcity of water to meet competing demands, and scarcity of funds to finance operation, maintenance and renewal of existing facilities. Various international conferences, donor policies and academic papers have pointed to the contribution that appropriate irrigation service charging systems can make to both problems. This book is unique in that it connects policy objectives in water pricing with the practicalities of a setting up an irrigation water charging systems. It discusses the different types of water charging systems as well as the basis for quantifying and calculating the charges in the real world. Based on practical experiences in a range of countries , it also looks at possibilities for cost rationalizations and developing a broad range of revenue streams. The book concludes with a systematic explanation on how to design an irrigation water charging system - looking at assessment, billing and improving collection performance.