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Noah and the Animals

Step by Step with Steve Smallman

Steve Smallman

32 pages
SPCK Group

Have fun with this fantastic step-by-step guide to drawing Noah and his whole arkful of animals.

Based on expert illustrator Steve Smallman's drawing workshops, it is full of witty illustrations with clear instructions to make these drawings fun and easy for children to recreate.

Become a top artist in no time!

Author Bio
Children's book illustrator and author, Steve Smallman has more than twenty-years of experience illustrating books, comics, magazines, licensedproducts and for television programmes, most notably The Raggy Dolls, and has written over 50 books. Trained at Cambridge College of Artand Technology, his witty illustration style is loved by children. Stevespends a lot of time visiting schools, libraries and festivals, where he often draws pictures for a live audience! He loves to inspire childrenand adults to enjoy drawing as much as he does. He is married with fourchildren and seven grandchildren.