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Preventing Cryptosporidium in Drinking Water

Helen Clay-Chapman

80 pages
IWA Publishing
This book is only available as part of the on-line course (DW02) Please click here for information. A discount of 20% is offered on the course if you enter the discount code IWAP20. The course carries the value of 2 CPD/CEU points and is accredited by the CPD Standards Office in London. Cryptosporidium is a micro-organism which is resistant to conventional chlorine disinfection and as such poses specific challenges for water treatment operators. It is very infective and has been known to result in fatal illness in some individuals. It is therefore important for each supply system that the sources of cryptosporidium are known and the treatment options and monitoring strategies address the risks posed. Also, if an outbreak occurs, a timely and effective response can be provided. The five main learning outcomes provide: Knowledge of the cryptosporidium risk for your supply system The mitigation measures available to remove the risk Monitoring and performance control strategies Engineering solutions and their integration with existing processes Effective incident and outbreak management control Pitched at Masters degree level, the material is suitable for graduates in a relevant subject or for those with more than five years of professional experience in the area. The course is relevant to scientific, engineering, operational and regulatory personnel, with an international audience in mind. Table of contents Introduction to cryptosporidium in drinking water; An over-view of cryptosporidium analysis and water quality indicators; Identifying your supply system; Principles of risk assessment and risk management; How to conduct a risk assessment; Confirming risks and developing mitigation measures; Optimizing process control; Determining engineering solutions; Developing management strategies; Epidemiological and outbreak considerations.