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Valuing Water, Valuing Livelihoods

Guidance on Social Cost-benefit Analysis of Drinking-water Interventions, with Special Reference to Small Community Water Supplies

J. Cameron Paul R. Hunter P. Jagals Kathy Pond

262 pages
IWA Publishing
The aim of Valuing Water, Valuing Livelihoods is to give decision-makers, health professionals and analysts a comprehensive view of the arguments and challenges associated with establishing the value of drinking-water interventions. 

The experts who have contributed to this publication provide guidance on assessing the benefits from improving access to safe drinking-water and from reducing the burden of water-related diseases. They show how to compare the value of these benefits to the costs of interventions, with special reference to small-scale drinking-water systems. Valuing Water, Valuing Livelihoods provides decision-makers, health professionals and analysts with the tools to promote improved access to safe drinking-water, especially for small and vulnerable communities in developing countries, by presenting comprehensive coverage of principles and practice, technology and economics, health, livelihoods and ethics.