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Abandoned Kentucky

136 pages
Macintyre Purcell

The stunning images found in Abandoned Kentucky offer us a window into our past, showing life in the Bluegrass State as it was back then, and stirring in us a sense of wonder and curiosity about those who have gone before us and the lives they lived.

Go inside the historic Columbia Theatre in downtown Paducah and the shuttered Union Station depot in Henderson. From the Old Crow bourbon distillery along Glenn’s Creek to the Parker Tobacco Company in Maysville, and a once grand farmhouse in McLean County, these photographs showcase the rich history and untold stories of abandoned places from one corner of Kentucky to the other.

Where others may see only decay and rot in these long-forgotten locations, Sherman Cahal, Adam Paris and Michael Maes see exquisite beauty.

Author Bio

Sherman Cahal is a photographer and historian who specializes in documenting Appalachian architecture and culture.

Adam Paris is an architectural photographer and historian.

Michael Maes is an artist and photographer and has been documenting abandoned homes for almost two decades. They manage the largest Facebook group on abandoned places in Kentucky with more than 395,000 members sharing pictures and information about its colorful past.