More Ghost Stories of Nova Scotia
Vernon Oickle
208 pages
Macintyre Purcell
Are you still afraid of things that go bump in the night? Do you still think someone is watching you even though no one is there? Do doors and windows still open and close on their own? Do you still see people in your home even though you know you are alone? If you answer yes to even one of these questions, then More Ghost Stories of Nova Scotia will make you feel not alone.
Picking up where 2015's Ghost Stories of Nova Scotia left off, veteran ghost story teller Vernon Oickle brings to life more of Nova Scotia's intriguing tales of the paranormal, many of which have never been shared before.
Author Bio
SPINE-TINGLING"Vernon Oickle's short vignettes are proof positive that Neil Gaiman was right when he said, 'Fear is a wonderful thing, in small doses.' These titillating tales will make your spine tingle. While some speak of old tragedies and sorrowful losses, the beauty of these masterfully told anecdotes of ethereal encounters is that they, again quoting Gaiman, 'can do nothing to hurt us,' and everything to delight lovers of eerie local lore." —Chris Benjamin, editor and author of Indian School Road, Eco-Innovators and Drive-by Saviours