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Paul Presents to the Philippians

Unity in the Messianic Community

R. Sean Emslie

188 pages
Messianic Jewish Pub & Res Llc
A worthy read and an appropriate study for any Messianic Jewish talmid or Christian disciple of Yeshua wanting to fairly and faithfully examine apostolic teaching. Emslie’s investigation not only broadly avails a host of reputable Jewish and outstanding Christian biblical scholars but offers a keenly diligent analysis and faithfully responsible apostolic viewpoint. Paul’s highest Messianic Christology is combined with the purest expressions of matured Messianic Jewish spiritual devotion.
Author Bio
R. Sean Emslie (MA, Grand Canyon University) is a Messianic Jewish theologian and writer focused on the building of a mature Messianic Judaism for the future. Mr. Emslie currently is pursuing a Masters and Doctorate in Jewish Studies at Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership.