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The Good Guys Agency: Think Like Katherine Johnson

96 pages
Bushel & Peck Books

“A mix of prose and colorful comic panels make for a fast-moving story, affirming the power of kindness and empathy.”―Kirkus Reviews, review of The Good Guys Agency: Kind Like Fred Rogers

Welcome to the fifth book in the Good Guys Agency series! Boys need better role models, and in the Good Guys Agency series—friends Lucky, Rudy, and Red—take matters into their own hands!

In volume five, we find our heroic pals tracking down legendary Katherine Johnson in order to find out what brain power really is and how to harness it as a superpower! Firing up the Kid Cruiser, the Good Guys Agency finds themselves back in time, learning how Katherine uses her brain as a living computer at NASA! Ms. Johnson teaches them all about the Apollo Space Missions and even let's them help out with the math that saves the day.

Time travel adventures, historic heroes, comic book panels, laughs, jokes, and more deliver a winning combination of fun, education, and values to inspire a new generation of honorable people—this time with math! Perfect for fans of Captain Underpants and Dog Man!