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Charlas con Jesús

Oraciones en rima para todos los días

Christi Swannack

48 pages
Compass Productions Inc
¡Colección de un niño de fácil recordar, rezos pegadizos, preparados para ser utilizado a menudo! Enseña a niños a comunicarse con Jesús como con un amigo cercano o amó uno. Cada rezo se ilustra maravillosamente para ayudar a reforzar el tema del rezo.
Author Bio
Life for Christy Swannack started out in a loving family on a farm near the small town of Lamont, Washington, surrounded by the wonders of God's world. Her favourite book during childhood was a book of prayers for children given to her by her aunt. Helping children learn to communicate with God is her passion and has been the focus of her life for the past thirty years. One of her all-time favourite quotes is "Life is its fullest when we live it hand in hand with our ever-loving God!"