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Un diario Quotebook en práctico formato de escritorio

Brooke Wexler Gabriel Garcia Valdivieso

370 pages
Compass Productions Inc
Calendario de la colección Cada Dia con su Frase, con pensamientos motivadores y fotos que apelan especialmente al alma aventurera. Las frases abordan temas como los viajes, el afán de explorar y de descubrir, el riesgo, la belleza y la importancia de sacarle el jugo a la vida. Calendario perpetuo que puede utilizarse vez tras vez.
Author Bio
Brooke Wexler is an avid world traveler who has visited over 30 countries,lived in 13 of them for a year or more, loves learning new languages, and will take an opportunity to experience something new any day.Gabriel Garcia Valdivieso is a Bible teacher who has devoted his time to editing and translating (English to Spanish) books on spiritual growth and apologetics. He currently resides in Santiago, Chile, with his wife, Sally Fitzhugh Garcia.