No Other Rome
Heather Green
90 pages
University of Akron Press
In No Other Rome, the title's “o”s are islands (wholes) or holes, lacunae, apertures through which we view the past or future. The poems in this collection engage contemporary art and Modern literature, alongside texts from Classical Greece and Rome, in an embodied, intertextual worry. The poems ask what lasts--“please last”--and what might be the last (or, with an “o,” “lost,”) “time,” “auk,” or “breath” as we move away from twentieth-century concerns into an unpredictable future. When there is no Planet B, no other Troy to burn, these elegies, love poems, and meditations seek a song that could “in singing, change the seen.”Author Bio
Heather Green’s poems and translations have appeared in Asymptote, Bennington Review, the New Yorker, Poetry International, and elsewhere. She is the translator of Tristan Tzara’s Noontimes Won (Octopus Books) and Guide to the Heart Rail (Goodmorning Menagerie). She teaches in the School of Art at George Mason University.