The Manifesto Project
Rebecca Hazelton Alan Michael Parker
275 pages
University of Akron Press
The poetic manifesto has a long, rich history that hasn't been updated until now. What does a poetic manifesto look like in a time of increased pluralism, relativism, and danger? How can a manifesto open a space for new and diverse voices? Forty-five poets at different stages of their careers contribute to this new anthology, demonstrating the relevance of the declarative form at the intersection of aesthetics and politics. The contributors also have chosen their own poems to accompany their manifestos-an anthologizing act that poets are never permitted. Invaluable for writers at any stage in their careers, this anthology may be especially useful for teachers of creative writing, both undergraduate and graduate.Poets include: Lisa Ampleman, Sandra Beasley, Sean Bishop, Susan Briante, Stephen Burt, Jen Campbell, Kara Candito, Bruce Cohen, Erica Dawson, Sean Thomas Dougherty, Jehanne Dubrow, Rebecca Morgan Frank, Elisa Gabbert, Hannah Gamble, Noah Eli Gordon, David Groff, Cynthia Hogue, Doyali Farah Islam, Genevieve Kaplan, Vandana Khanna, Matthew Lippman, Beth Loffreda, Cecilia Llompart, Randall Mann, Corey Marks, Joyelle McSweeney, Erika Meitner, Orlando Menes, Susan Laughter Meyers, Jennifer Militello, Tyler Mills, Jacqueline Osherow, Emilia Phillips, Kevin Prufer, Claudia Rankine, Joshua Robbins, Kathleen Rooney, Zach Savich, Jeffrey Schultz, Martha Silano, Sean Singer, Marcela Sulak, Maureen Thorson, Afaa Weaver, Jillian Weise, Valerie Wetlaufer, and Rachel Zucker.